Renders NS2W21 | Schiebegardine beidseitig*ABS*Luft*BPW

It is available for 3900 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of RENDERS Curtainsider trailer.

Eschen Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH offers excellent transport solutions for business and individual needs.

The production year is 2002.

The gross weight is 11900 kg.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: suspension: air, 2-axle, ABS.

Body: loading length: 7300 mm, loading width: 2440 mm, loading height: 2530 mm, loading volume: 45 m³.

Max. payload: 8140 kg.

The unit’s location is in Germany.

If you need to get more information, please contact us.

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